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Project Coordination and Monitoring Unit (PCMU)

 01.  Project Title : Urban Resilience Project (URP): Project Coordination and Monitoring Unit (PCMU)
 02.  a)  Sponsoring Ministry/Division :  Ministry of Planning (MOP)/Planning Division
 b)  Executing Agency :  Programming Division, Planning Commission.
 03.  Objectives of the Project:    

The overall objective of the ‘Urban Resilience Project (URP)’ is to strengthen the capacity of GoB agencies (DNCC, DSCC, SCC, DDM, RAJUK, FSCD and PCMU) to efficiently and effectively respond to recurrent as well as large-scale disasters/emergency events and to improve construction permitting and physical audit processes in Dhaka and Sylhet City.

 Specific objectives:

 i)  To Coordinate, Monitoring and Evaluate the activities of URP Project for ensuring effective implementation;
 ii)  To develop appropriate methodologies in coordination with the Implementing Agencies (IAs) for effective implementation of the project;
 iii)  To Support and Facilitate the Project Management of sub-projects in Procurement & Financial Management;
 iv)  To conduct regular Monitoring, Annual Review, Mid-Term Review and end of the Project Evaluation;
 v)  To Conduct and Manage need based strategic studies and other studies/pilot projects during project implementation; 
 vi)  To enhance capacity of project related officials through local and foreign training/study visits and higher studies.
 04.  Location of the Project
   Division  District  Thana/City Corporation
   Dhaka  Dhaka  Sher-e-Bangla Nagar, Dhaka
 05.  Estimated Cost of the Project :  
       i)  Total  Tk.  3,286.37 Lac TK
 ii)  GoB  Tk.     241.58 Lac TK
 iii)  Project Aid  Tk.  3,044.79 Lac TK
 Exchange Rate  1 US$ = 84.60 TAKA
 06. Project Implementation Period :  i)  Date of Commencement  01 July, 2015
       ii)  Date of Completion  31 October, 2023